Board Meeting Minutes - June
Board of Directors Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Time: 2:00-3:05 p.m.
Location: Aquarium IMAX, Conference Room, 201 Chestnut St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
1. Call to Order
Kelly Fitzgerald, Vice-Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Adam Kinsey, Kevin Love, Matt McGauley, Donald O’Connor, and Gordon Stalans.
Not attending were Pierre Dabit, Steve Hunt, Lisa Maragnano, Tom Marshall, Charles Perry, Raquetta Dotley, Todd Gardenhire, and Robin Smith.
Also present were Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA, and Kelly Allen of Q-Strategies.
Approval of the Board minutes of April 21, 2021 and Board minutes of May 19, 2021 was tabled due to the lack of a quorum.
Old Business
1. There was a discussion of next steps on the collection of delinquent assessments for 2019 ($36,000) and 2020 ($140,000). Property owners who have not paid their 2019 assessments have been notified by mail. One point made was that a conversation with the City of Chattanooga on collection procedures needs to take place.
New business
There was no new business.
Finance Committee Update
1. G. Stalans reported that as of May 31, 2021 there was $630,000 operating cash and $230,000 in reserve funds. Through May revenue was $750,000 and expenses $388,000 (revenue is front-loaded in the early months of the year, while expenses run throughout the year).
2. A forecast of monthly financials has been made. Among future expenses to consider are leaf removal in the fourth quarter ($50,000), the Cash for Trash program ($4,000 per month), a landscape design plan ($50,000), beautification projects ($12,000 per month), an administrative assistant on a
part-time basis for S. Brookes, Q-Strategies marketing expenses, legal fees for the collection of delinquent assessments, an audit of DCA finances to be conducted by the Walls Group ($10,000), and office rent of $1700 per month to begin in August.
It was projected that the DCA will end the year with $90,000 in operating cash.
Executive Director Update
1. With the help of a $25,000 EPB sponsorship, planters will be installed in the West Village and other locations and hanging baskets in Patten Square, the West Village, and Aquarium Way. S. Brookes recognized the help which the Barn Nursery has provided.
2. The DCA has partnered with the Mayor’s Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs on the Juneteenth Celebration and recognition of Black-owned businesses in the district.
3. Brookes addressed issues ranging from dealing with the homeless in the West Village, the back side of Big River Restaurant, and on Market Street to reporting broken electrical box covers to EPB.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05.