Board Meeting Minutes - February

Board of Directors Meeting

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:15 p.m.

Location: By Zoom

1. Call to Order

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Keeli Crewe, Steve Hunt, Adam Kinsey, Lisa Marangano, Matt McGauley, Tom Marshall, Donald O’Connor, Charles Perry, Gordon Stalans, Raquetta Dotley and Darrin Ledford.

Not attending were Kevin Love, Darian Scott, and Robin Smith.

Also attending were Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA, and Kelly Allen of Q Strategies.

The following minutes were approved: Annual Meeting, December 15, 2021; Executive Committee meeting, February 9, 2022; Financial Committee meeting, February 10, 2022.

Old Business

(a) There was discussion of what Chair Fitzgerald described as “a good meeting” with Major Kelly in January. Matters touched upon included the baseline services which the City provides and homelessness issues. It was again pointed out the City, not the DCA, is ultimately responsible for addressing homelessness issues.

(b) S. Brookes reported on the recent meeting with property owners in the district. The meeting focused on “quality of life” issues in places such as streets, parking lots, and the interiors of buildings.

S. Brookes is to convene a meeting with City social service teams.

(c) The 2021 assessment is due at the end of February. 

(d) There has been some progress on the collection of late assessments from the owner of the Chattanooga Bank building.


New Business 

(a) A River Front District meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2022 in the Lupton Room of the TN Aquarium. Councilwoman Dotley plans to attend. One goal of the meeting is “improved communications” between stakeholders in the district.

(b) S. Brookes reported on the recent downtown youth meeting, attended among others by Councilwoman Dotley and Lt. Montgomery. A follow-up meeting with the YMCA is scheduled for March 25th.

(c) S. Brookes introduced the proposal to use individuals in the Project Return program on a 90-day trial basis. Sexual predators and individuals convicted of violent crimes would not be eligible.


Finance Committee Update

(a) For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reported that as of the end of January there was approximately $100,000 in the operating account and $230,000 in the reserve accounts. Accounts receivable were $120,000; total current assets $450,000.

(b) Collections from property owners in January/February were $100,000 higher than for the same period in 2021.

(c) The Finance Committee met on February 10th to address the issue of non-profits and three requests for waivers of their assessments.

The following motion was passed by the DCA board with one dissenting vote: “The assessments on the church buildings of Second Presbyterian and St. Paul’s should be waived, but not the assessments on their parking lots. The assessment on the YMCA should be reduced to $1300, which is 10% of what was originally owed.” 

Executive Director Update

S. Brookes reported the following:

(a) Safety concerns for pedestrians and vehicles continue to be a focus for the DCA and the CPD.

(b) S. Brookes has made a survey of downtown lighting issues, including dark areas, lights not functioning etc.

(c) Before the meeting, S. Brookes submitted a report on recent DCA activities. 

The meeting adjourned at 3:15.