Love it? Lock it!

Love it? Lock it!

Locking your car is a great way to prevent thefts any time of year, but with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be especially easy to forget to take precautions. Here is a gentle reminder that with a simple click, you can keep the items you love.

Did you know?
32% of burglarized vehicles were unlocked
28% of stolen vehicles were left with keys inside the vehicle
20% of stolen guns were taken from unlocked vehicles
7% of stolen vehicles had the keys inside AND were left running

Join us, the Chattanooga Police Department, and River City Company by spreading the word!

You can help your co-workers, neighbors, customers, friends, and family avoid being part of the above statistics by posting our flyer or by forwarding this important information to your employee distribution list, neighborhood association, or any other communication tool available to you. Just sharing this with your neighbor could make all the difference.

Download the poster. Print a copy for your employee breakroom, community bulletin board, or building elevator. 

Love it? Lock it!

Hannah Palmgren