Process to Receive No Trespassing Sign
While enforcing no trespassing at your business may seem straightforward, there are several steps required to ensure a smooth process.
You must submit a letter to the Chattanooga Police Department stating that you are officially requesting your property to be included on the official No Trespassing List. We have all the requirements for the letter listed below.
You must have a clearly visible sign - which the DCA will provide to you - posted at your business. This branded sticker will quickly communicate to the police officers that your business has completed the necessary requirements and that they can enforce no trespassing on your property.
Most importantly, you and your employees must be willing to prosecute, which may require showing up in court and testifying about the intrusion, property damage, or other harm caused.
Below are the requirements. To view a template, download our draft letter.
Once you have completed the letter, send a PDF or scanned letter on letterhead to Captain Gibbens at AND Lt. Stover at and copy Steve Brookes at
Once the letter in on file – Business and or Property Owners inside the DCA footprint will receive a “No Trespassing” sign for the DCA to post on your door or window.