Executive Meeting - April

Executive Committee Meeting Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Time: 2:00-3:48
Location: By Zoom

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.

Not attending was Kelly Fitzgerald.
Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.

1. Old Business

(a) Thirteen applications have been received for E. Souchet’s seat on the board (representing a large property owner south of 4th St./Broad). A nominating committee (L. Maragnano and S. Hunt) will put the name of a replacement forward at next week’s Board meeting.

(b)It was reported that the DCA’s conversation with our new council person Raquetta Dotley went very well.

(c) A multi-pronged approach to address delinquent assessments was outlined: first, a “friendly” letter to the property owner; next, a matter-of-fact letter approved by Miller and Martin; then, a notification to the property owner that mortgage information will be pulled, and finally, placing a lien on the property.

(d) A discussion as to how to launch animation/activation programming (music, art, events at Lookouts games etc.) in the 5th Street to Aquarium area. The consensus held that the DCA should strongly encourage River City Company to take the lead on this programming with the DCA taking a supporting role.

2. new business

(a) It was decided that a meeting with recently elected Mayor Kelly should be scheduled in a few weeks after his administration has settled in.

(b) A discussion as to when to begin in-person Board meetings took place. It was argued that with Board approval, June would be a reasonable goal. It was also suggested that at some future meetings inviting outside speakers would be a good idea.

3. dca finance committee update

(a) For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reviewed the financial position of the DCA as of March 31: total cash=$813,000 including the reserve funds. Transfers from the City of Chattanooga in the range of $400,000 are expected with $100,000 to $150,000 more to come.

Stalans reminded the committee that DCA revenue is front-loaded to come in early in the year, while expenses (such as the monthly Block by Block $52,000 bill) are spread over the course of the year. To address this situation, it was suggested that a projected estimate of month-by-month revenue and expenses would be helpful in planning.

4. Executive director report

(a) Brookes reported that there has been an uptick in verbal abuse directed toward our ambassadors. Brookes emphasized that the ambassadors have been instructed to contact the police when appropriate. Block by Block has also pushed out additional training videos to help the Ambassador team.

(b) The Cash for Trash program has been launched with 19 participants and $456 distributed. It was again pointed out that the participants are that-participants- not employees of the DCA.

(c) The DCA will give its support to Juneteenth as part of its commitment to black-owned businesses in the district.

(d) There was a brief discussion of EPB’s $25,000 sponsorship of landscaping projects. S. Hunt will follow up with EPB as to under which year of its commitment this falls.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:48.