Board Meeting Minutes - April 2024

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Board of Directors Meeting

April 23, 2024 - 2:00pm – 3:35PM


1. Call To Order

Todd Philips called the meeting to order. In attendance was Darrin Ledford, Sean O’Brien, Gordon Stalans, John Clark, Evan Freeman, Kelly Fitzgerald, Kevin Love, Susan Harris and Adam Kinsey. Steve Brookes in attendance. Guests were Matt Dale with the City of Chattanooga.

2. DCA Business - Votes

DCA Formal Evaluation

o Board to accept the evaluation/continue DCA for 5 years – Vote

o Darin, 1st, Adam 2nd

o Approved

Ambassador Program RFP

o Executive Committee Recommendation – Vote

o Kelly 1st, John Clark 2nd

o Approved

Public Relations RFP

o Executive Committee Recommendation – Vote

o Darrin 1st, John Clark 2nd

o Approved

3. Broad Street Beautification

Steve was approached by the Benwood Foundation on efforts to enhance the beautification and landscaping of downtown. Steve felt that the 400 block would be a great test block since it is nearly fully leased and is busy with locals and tourists. The total budget would be up to $12,000 and would require a vote by the Board.

Kelly asked how many hours overall to maintain the planters. Steve and ambassadors will track the costs, including water, so that we will have a true all-in costs on moving forward. John, we should include money on covering labor costs on an ask to foundations. Adam told the Board that this was not an ask made to Benwood but something that Benwood asked on how they could help. Gordon echoed everyone’s thoughts that long term costs would need to be examined but that we should be fine to move forward on this project. Susan wanted to make sure that these plantings did not conflict with other efforts of beautification at the City.

Todd 1st, John 2nd


4. 2024/2025 Budget

Gordon reviewed the budget for 2025 Year. We are budgeting a deficit of $90,000 based on reserves and this will probably be the last year that we can budget with a deficit.

Susan 1st, Darrin 2nd


5. Approval of Minutes

Approval of the February 21, 2024 Board of Directors Minutes

o Gordon 1st, Sean 2nd Approved

Approval of the April 10, 2024 Executive Committee Minutes

o Todd 1st, Adam 2nd, Approved

6. Finance Committee Update – Treasurer, Downtown Chattanooga Alliance – Gordon Stalans

DCA Financial Statement/Forecast 2024

o Revenue of $900,000 and expenses of $1,000,000, with around 70% of expenses as the contract with Block by Block. There is a projected deficit of $124,000 and we had budgeted a deficit of $134k. Spent $18,000 on CARTA North project and $6,000 in consulting fees on evaluation with Jim Kennedy.

7. Executive Director Update – Executive Director, Downtown Chattanooga Alliance – Steve Brookes

Manhattan Institute Report

o Steve has met with the people who did the report, and they want to be involved and help downtown. Steve and others are continuing to have dialog.

Executive Directors Report

Steve – Rep. Martin is appointing Major Montgomery to the Board, starting in June.

Spring/Summer flowers are going in. Hanging baskets have been growing off-site and will be installed shortly.

Sean – River City donated money through the Police Foundation to cover costs for the biking instructor. 9 officers from CPD and 1 from UTC. A lot of people had positive feedback and engaged with the officers. Through September, the plan is to have overtime positions downtown, on either bikes or golf carts, to create more visibility. The goal is to change the perception that it is not safe downtown.

Public Comments

Meeting Adjourned

Kelly Allen