Board Meeting Minutes - June 2024

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Board of Directors Meeting

June 19, 2024 - 2:00pm

Location: 200 W. MLK Blvd, 9 th Floor Conference Room

1. Call to Order and Minutes Approval

Todd Philips called the meeting to order. Board of Directors Committee members attending were Susan

Harris, Brandy Burgans, Keeli Crewe, Sean O’Brien, City Counselor Darrin Ledford, Major

Montgomery, John Clark, Tom Marshall and Evann Freeman.

Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.

The minutes from April 23, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting were approved.

2. Miller Park

Dawn Hjelseth, VP of Marketing & Communications, River City Company discussed a new initiative for

Miller Park. Take a break in Miller Park was introduced to the DCA Board of Directors. The initiative

includes food trucks on Wednesday and the DCA providing ambassador services daily from 7am – 3pm.

River City Company would pay the DCA $20,000 for these services.

DCA ambassadors will provide general cleaning of the park, social service assistance, eyes and ears of

police department, change trash bags, set up tables, chairs, tents and games and other duties as required.

Board members were concerned that the City may step back from the services they currently provide in

the park, once the Ambassador team begins enhancing the services in the park. Steve was asked to discuss

this concern with the Parks Department.

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance Board of Directors approved the acceptance of funds from River City

Company for the DCA Ambassador program to provide services in Miller Park.

3. Broad St Beautification

Executive Director, Steve Brookes, provided an update and a completion time line for the beautification

of Broad St from 4 th to 5 th Street. Steve thought the demo block would be completed by July 4 th . Steve also

explained what the beautification would entail and the next steps to the Board of Directors.

4. Finance Committee Update

Todd Phillips provided a financial update to the committee. He stated the DCA is in good standing to

wrap up the fiscal year on budget or slightly below budget.

5. Executive Director Update

Steve informed the Board that the DCA Annual meeting would take place on October 16, 2024. He also

provided an update on the work and services the 423 Chain breakers are providing downtown during the

summer months.

Public Comments

No public comments.

Meeting Adjourned

Hannah Palmgren