Board Meeting Minutes - February
Board of Directors Meeting
Chattanooga BID
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Time: 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Location: River City Company (Large Conference Room)
850 Market Street, Suite 200, Chattanooga, TN 37402
Steve Hunt, Chairman of the Chattanooga BID, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Pierre Dabit, Kelly Fitzgerald, Walter Johnson, Travis Lytle, Lisa Maragnano, Donald O’Connor, Erskine Oglesby, Charles Perry, Ember Souchet, and Gordon Stalans.
Not attending were Matt McGauley, Darian Scott, Todd Gardenhire and Robin Smith.
Also present were Julia Bursch of River City Company, April Holland of Miller and Martin, and Yvette Freeman of P.U.M.A. (by telephone).
2. S. Hunt reiterated the purposes and goals of the Chattanooga BID.
3. The minutes of the 21 February meeting of the Hiring Committee and the 5 February Board meeting were approved. The minutes of the 21 February Executive Committee meeting were approved with one correction that if the Board approves a reconsideration of the rejection of the four applications of non-profits for abatement/reduction of their assessments, the Finance Committee would again address the issue.
(a) J. Bursch reported on the walking tours of the downtown BID.
(a) After representatives from four non-profits spoke, a motion to reconsider the Board’s earlier denial of abatement/reduction of their assessment and to allow the Finance Committee to reconsider the issue passed unanimously.
(b) An update of RCC efforts was presented. The Vendor Selection committee will meet on March 2 to select those to be interviewed with interviews to follow during the week of March 9.
(a) A motion to approve the Conflict of Interest Policy as presented passed unanimously.
(b) The Finance Committee reported that a budget had been presented to the City Council.
(c) A resolution to follow city procedures in regard to interest and penalties in the event of non-payment of assessments passed unanimously.
(d) A 1023 application will be reviewed by the Board for later submission to the IRS.
(a) Y. Freeman reported on the hiring process.
A resolution to empower the Hiring Committee to negotiate the hiring of Steven Brookes as Executive Director passed unanimously.
A resolution to empower the Hiring Committee to move forward with a second candidate if necessary passed with one dissent (D. O’Connor).
The meeting adjourned at 4:00.