Board Meeting Minutes - February

Board of Directors Meeting Chattanooga BID
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Time: 2:00 pm-2:55pm
Location: River City Company (Large Conference Room) 
850 Market Street, Suite 200, Chattanooga, TN 37402


Steve Hunt, Chairman of the Chattanooga BID, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Walter Johnson, Travis Lytle, Lisa Maragnano, Matt McGauley, Erskine Oglesby, Donald O’Connor (by telephone), Charles Perry, Ember Souchet, and Gordon Stalans. 

Not attending were Pierre Dabit, Todd Gardenhire, Darian Scott and Robin Smith. 

Also present were Julia Bursch and Amy Donahue of River City Company. 

2. The Hiring Committee minutes (with one correction-there were 9 candidates, and this number has been narrowed to 5) and the Finance Committee minutes were approved. The minutes of the January 15, 2020 Board meeting (with one correction-the RFP committee will consist of 5 board members—S. Hunt, T. Lytle, L. Maragnano, M. McGauley, and D. O’Connor) were approved.


Walking Tours and the Survey were discussed. A. Donahue reviewed the latter. The tours are still scheduled for the first week of March.


a. J. Bursch reviewed RCC and PUMA efforts in the search process for an Executive Director. Interviews will take place at 4:00 on February 20th.

There are six applicants in the Vendor pool. Their submissions are due February 21st. The applications will then be reviewed by the RFP Committee.

Also looming in the future is the presentation of the budget to the City Council. The important date in that regard is February 25th.

A resolution was passed unanimously to move the February BID board meeting to the 26th.

b. Committee Reports

K. Fitzgerald continues to work on a plan for outreach and the involvement of local merchants.

For the finance committee, G. Stalans reported that an account has been opened at First Volunteer Bank with approximately $185,000 in the account.

Stalans reported that 4 applications for abatement/reduction of assessment fees had been received. The Finance Committee recommended that the 4 requests should be rejected. A motion to approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee passed with one negative vote. 

The following board members voted to approve: S. Hunt, Kelly Fitzgerald, Walter Johnson, Travis Lytle, Lisa Maragnano, Matt McGauley, Erskine Oglesby, Charles Perry, Ember Souchet, and Gordon Stalans.

The following board member voted not to approve: Donald O’Connor.

For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans presented the budget, which was characterized as “conservative” and which will be presented to the City Council. A motion that the Board accept the budget passed unanimously,

The meeting adjourned at 2:55.