Board Meeting Minutes - December
Board of Directors Meeting Chattanooga BID
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Time: 2:00 pm-3:50 pm
Location: River City Company (Large Conference Room)
850 Market Street, Suite 200, Chattanooga, TN 37402
Steve Hunt, Chairman of the Chattanooga BID, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Pierre Dabit, Kelly Fitzgerald, Walter Johnson, Travis Lytle, Matt McGauley, Donald O’Connor, Charles Perry,
Darian Scott, Gordon Stalans, and Erskine Oglesby.
Not attending were Lisa Maragnano, Ember Souchet, Todd Gardenhire and Robin Smith.
Also present were Julia Bursch and Amy Donahue of River City Company and Yvette Freeman of P.U.M.A. (by telephone).
2. The minutes of the November 13 Executive Committee meeting and the November 20, 2019 Board meeting were approved.
S. Hunt addressed billing procedures with Miller and Martin. Miller and Martin will send a bill for their advice on the application for tax-exempt status. April Holland of Miller and Martin to attend BID meetings as needed.
a. Y. Freeman of P.U.M.A reviewed her organization’s efforts in helping to launch the BID. It was decided to move the deadline for applications for the Executive Director position to January 15, 2020. In regard to the RFP for Maintenance and Hospitality responsibilities of Vendors, the following issues were addressed: expectations as to the duties of Ambassadors, the training program for Ambassadors, hours of operation, diversity goals, and living wages for employees. The consensus of the Board was that a Vendor would be hired for an initial three-year period with two one-year renewals and with the proviso of an appropriate termination clause. Suggestions from the Board as to the RFP should be sent to J. Bursch by December 23rd. It was also agreed that A. Holland should review the RFP.
b. River City Company reported on its work for the BID. The previously announced grant of $100,000 from the Lyndhurst Foundation for start-up expenses was reviewed. A request was made that the Board submit proposals for specific projects in the BID to River City so that they might go forward with further grant requests. Amy Donahue addressed the work of the River Front Area initiative.
b. Committee Reports
a. The application process for exemption or reduction of assessments was reviewed. (Detailed information on the specific requirements and necessary documents to be submitted in an application is available on the BID website.) The deadline for applications is January 15, 2020. The Finance Committee will review applications and submit recommendations to the entire board for final decisions.
b. The need for an Outreach Committee was discussed.
c. Walking tours of the district will be scheduled for March.
d. Deferred maintenance issues were discussed.
e. G. Stalans of the Finance Committee reported that an initial account would be opened at First Volunteer Bank. Then a RFP will be sent to banks in the district. The Finance Committee has begun the process of drawing up a budget. Other matters discussed included the application process for obtaining tax-exempt status.
After comments from the public, the meeting adjourned at 3:50.