Executive Meeting - May

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Executive Committee Meeting

May 10, 2023 - 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Location: Carnegie Library Building

200 E 8th St, Chattanooga, TN



Call to Order


Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Todd Philips and Gordon Stalans. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.


1.     3000 Bar


Steve informed the committee that there is a new bar looking to open on the district that has had issues in Nashville. Steve has spoken with members of the community so that they are aware. No permits have been applied for however Steve would like to draft a letter of concern from nearby businesses and property owners.


2.     CARTA Breezeway


Adam discussed working with the City and CARTA to re-open the restrooms in the Shuttle Park North garage. Part of a potential pilot program, which would be from Memorial Day to Labor Day, would also involve the DCA to bring new life to the shuttle stop area with a deep cleaning, updated signage and potentially music. Overall the goal is to make the area a welcoming experience.


3.     Police Foundation


Steve and Kelly attended an event to learn more about a new police foundation that is being formed. The foundation will be a discretionary fund to support the Chattanooga Police Department and its officers.


4.     Finance Committee Update


Gordon told the committee that the audit is done and they are working to transfer to the new fiscal year format. Once up to date with the new format the latest financials will be sent out.


Meeting Adjourned


Baylee Nelson