Executive Meeting - April

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Executive Committee Meeting

April 12, 2023 - 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Location: Carnegie Library Building,

200 E 8th St, Chattanooga, TN


1.     Call to Order


Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey and Todd Philips. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.


The Executive Committee approved the Minutes from the March 15th, 2023 committee meeting.


2.     DCA Strategic Plan


Steve went over a draft list of committee members based on the strategic plan. The committees will be discussed and volunteers asked for during the next Board meeting.


3.     CARTA North Breezeway


Adam met with Ellis Smith in the Mayor’s office regarding the breezeway at the CARTA Shuttle North parking garage. The City is open and enthusiastic about partnering on re-opening this area for locals and tourists coming to the district. Adam is going to continuing working on this project.


4.     Sen. Hagerty Meeting


Steve was contacted by United States Senator Bill Hagerty’s office. They would like to meet to see how the Senator can help with the BID. Steve will setup the meeting.


5.     April Board Meeting


Block by Block will be presenting at the April Board meeting. Their contract is up for a one-year extension. The executive committee discussed and recommended moving forward with the extension.


6.     Executive Director Update


It was discussed meeting with the Chattanooga Police Department prior to the Summer to talk about the busy season.


Steve informed the committee that next week fourteen planters will be installed along 4th Street, off of US 27. Additionally, Steve is working with the City parks department regarding the master landscape plan on Market Street between 8th and 6th.


Baylee Nelson