Executive Meeting - March
Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Location: Carnegie Library Building
200 E. 8th Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Todd Philips. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
Not attending were Gordon Stalans.
2. DCA Strategic Plan and Committees
Steve went over the committees outlined in the strategic plan; Safety, Marketing and Communications and the existing Financing Committee. It was felt that there should also be a Visitor Experience Committee since that is one of the main initiatives in the strategic plan. The committees will be led by board members but also contain community members within the district.
Board members will be asked to volunteer for committees at the next board meeting.
3. Finance Committee Update
The delinquent properties were reviewed, and it was decided that the finance committee would determine next steps however the executive committee recommends pursuing the outstanding fees from 728 Market.
4. Executive Director Update
Steve is working on the comprehensive landscape plan however he is receiving requests from private property owners to maintain their plantings. It was decided to table those requests so that a more universal landscape plan can be implemented that can be more easily maintained as a whole.