Executive Meeting - February

Executive Committee Meeting Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Time: 2:00-3:05

Location: Carnegie Library Building, 200 E. 8th Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402

1. Call to Order

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Todd Phillips, Adam Kinsey and Gordon Stalans.

Also present were Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA, and Board Member Keeli Crewe.

2. DCA Business

a) S. Brookes and K. Fitzgerald attended a meeting at City Hall regarding the homeless situation in Chattanooga. Social services and Chattanooga Police Department gave an update on how they are working with the homeless and what kind of housing is needed. A downtown coalition is being formed to focus on getting assistance to the downtown homeless community.

b) Jim Kennedy has completed a draft of the strategic plan that is being finalized. The committee has been dedicated to have a thorough and comprehensive plan.

c) The original contract term with Q Strategies is complete and there is an option for one year renewal term. The Executive Committee feels that Q Strategies has done a great job. The one year renewal option will be voted on by the full Board at the next meeting.

3. Finance Committee Update

a) G. Stalans has been working with Mauldin Jenkins on the 2022 audit, that ends June 2022. New fiscal year will be July 2022 through June 2023 to match the City budget.

b) DCA currently has two vacant Finance Committee seats. Todd Phillips volunteered for one vacancy and volunteers will be asked for at the next Board meeting.

Executive Director Update

a) S. Brookes gave an update on a toolkit for homelessness that is being worked on with the help of River City and others. The goal is to have a document that can be shared with those experiencing homelessness.

g) S. Brookes spoke on recent DCA activities, please see his printed report for more information.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05.

Baylee Nelson