Executive Committee Meeting - June 2024
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Executive Directors Meeting
June 12, 2024 - 2:00pm
Location: 715 Market St, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Chattanooga, TN 37402
1. Call to Order and Minutes Approval
Todd Philips called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Susan Harris, Adam Kinsey and Gordon Stalans. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
The minutes from May 8th Executive Committee Meeting were approved.
2 . “Top 5 List” – DA/Sheriff’s Department
Steve went over a history of the “Top 5” vagrants in the BID that cause the majority of issues and complaints. Steve has had success focusing on several individuals and helping them in various ways, such as getting identifications and assisting them on housing or getting home to their family.
Steve would like to pursue this further with the District Attorney and Sheriff’s department so that Steve is alerted when they are arrested.
3. Broad Street
Adam discussed several items specific to Broad Street and ongoing efforts.
The beautification of the 400 block of Broad Street has received great feedback. Steve is working on costs of ongoing maintenance and will meet with the Benwood Foundation on the potential of rolling the beautification throughout the rest of the DCA over several years.
Adam and Steve have met with several stakeholders who would like to see a concerted effort of activation on Broad Street. The DCA could receive funds from outside sources and contract with event producers.
The re-imagine Broad Street program has seen funding from the state and federal government. With over $100m of development currently underway between 4th Street and the Aquarium there is a sense of urgency to get those two blocks started.
4. Finance Committee Update
Gordon discussed financials. Overall the status is in good shape. The DCA will not have as much of a deficit as projected.
5. Executive Director Update
Steve went over his report, which including the annual budget presentation to City Council. The annual DCA meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 16th at the Holiday Inn.
Meeting Adjourned