Executive Committee Meeting - August 2024
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Executive Directors Meeting
August 14, 2024 - 2:00pm
Location: 715 Market St, 2nd Floor Conference Room
1. Call to Order and Minutes Approval
Todd Philips called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Susan Harris,
Adam Kinsey and Gordon Stalans. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
The minutes from July 10 th Executive Committee Meeting were approved.
2. Miller Park
The DCA started managing Miller Park during the day on August 1 st . Steve has been working with the
City, the police force and others on operating the park and has seen good success. River City has been
programming the park with food trucks, music and other activities.
Funding is through the first week of October, roughly 9 weeks.
3. RFP Accounting Services
The committee discussed issuing an RFP for accounting and general book keeping services and are
targeting early next year for it to be issued. It will be similar to the marketing / public relations RFP.
Since the DCA inception, Gordon Stalans has been handling these services pro bono.
4. Board of Directors 2025
The executive committee reviewed the list of board members rolling off at the end of this year. This will
be discussed at the next Board meeting.
5. Finance Committee Update
July is the first month of the new fiscal year. The DCA is on track per budget. The audit will start by the
end of August and be completed by late September or early October.
6. Executive Director Update
Steve went over his update and mentioned that there has been a large decrease in bio-hazard clean ups and
that they are mainly pet related now.
Meeting Adjourned