Executive Meeting - May
Executive Committee Meeting Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Time: 2:00-3:22
Location: By Zoom
1. Call to Order
Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA. The Executive Committee minutes of April 28, 2021 as amended were approved unanimously. (Please see copy of the amended minutes at the end of this document.) 1. Old Business It was agreed that both the Executive Committee and the Board will return to in-person meetings in June. The location will be the Liberty Tower Conference Center.
2. New Business
(a) During a discussion of delinquent assessment issues, the following points were made: i. For 2019, unpaid assessments are approximately $50,000; for 2020, unpaid assessments are approximately $154,607. ii. The next step in the collection process should be to send letters to property owners who have not paid their 2019 assessment.
3. Finance Committee Update
(a) As of April 30th, approximately $919,000 including $230,000 reserve funds was in the account. Monthly payables are approximately $55,000; net operating revenue approximately $444,000. (b) A forecast of the budget for the rest of the year should be completed by June. (c) Stalans reported on a conversation with the City Treasurer as to whether an independent audit is required. The consensus was that it was not required, but Stalans recommended that as a best practice idea an audit should be conducted. The Finance Committee will recommend such an audit to the Board and suggest the name of a firm to carry out the audit. The cost of such an audit will be $10,000- 11,000. (d) A form 990 requesting a 6-month filing extension will be completed over the summer. Executive Director Up-Date (a) The city continues to work on the completion of Patten Square by May 19. After that the DCA will install planters. Georgia Avenue will be closed from May 24 to June 3. (b) The Simpson Organization has requested that the benches at 736 Market Street be removed because of quality of life concerns. The Mayor’s Office has responded that this be done only as a last resort. The DCA has convened a meeting with the Simpson Organization, City Outreach, and the DCA Ops Manager to address the issue. The DCA has spoken with Councilwoman Dotley as well. The DCA will increase Ambassador patrols in the area. (c) The location of the Cash for Trash program has been moved to 11th Street. Approximately $3500 has been redeemed. (d) Q-Strategies is at work on the DCA website. A Mother’s Day gift card program will be implemented. (e) The DCA is working with EPB on lighting issues in the district. (f) The landscaping project at 8th and Chestnut is complete. (g) The role of the Ambassadors at Nightfall evenings was discussed. (h) The Ambassadors schedule after Memorial Day will be 3:30 to 12:00 am on Fridays and Saturdays. (i) The Ambassadors will publicize the May 22nd Homeless Vaccination event. (j) The DCA attended the April 29th Special Events Committee meeting. (k) The DCA continues to meet with River City Company on issues of common concern. The meeting adjourned at 3:22. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Executive Committee Special Called Meeting Downtown Chattanooga Alliance Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Time: 2:00-2:57 Location: By Zoom 1. Call to Order Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA. 1. Old Business (a) The Executive Committee minutes of 4/14/2021 were approved with one abstention. 2. New Business (a) After a discussion of a City of Chattanooga Cash for Trash pilot program on 11th Street, a motion that the DCA work with the city during the pilot program with the stipulation that the money distributed to participants would be spent in the district and the stipulation that the DCA would not be involved if the city went forward with its own Cash for Trash program was approved unanimously. (b) During a discussion of as to how the DCA should respond to a request from the City of Chattanooga for help in watering planters in Patten Square, the following points were made: (i) The DCA is still in the early stage of its work in the district. (ii) The DCA should proceed cautiously in this area, and every proposal should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. (iii) Any DCA work for the city should be appropriately compensated. (iv) The DCA had no role in the design of Patten Square or its implementation. (v) The fiduciary responsibility of the DCA is first and foremost to the property owners in the district, who fund our work. The meeting adjourned at 2:57.