Executive Meeting - February

Executive Committee Meeting Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Time: 2:00-3:30
Location: By Zoom

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chairman of the Chattanooga DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.

Not attending was Kelly Fitzgerald
Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.

1. Old Business

(a) Ember Souchet has decided to leave the board. The Nominating Committee has been charged with suggesting a replacement. Tom Marshall has been mentioned as a possible candidate.2. new business

(a) A discussion of next steps on delinquent payments of assessments took place. The following points were made: a check should be made to determine if the list of delinquent accounts is accurate; a certified letter-reviewed by R. Ruiz -should be sent to delinquent property owners; it was agreed that any interest and penalties should be waived for property owners who have paid, but not for others who have not; and the ultimate outcome for non-payment of assessments is the placement of a lien on the property.

2. New Business

(a) G. Stalans reported on the work of the Finance Committee in regard to requests for waivers of assessment from four non-profits. The committee will put the following motion forward at 2/17/2021 board meeting: “for 2020, that assessments on the church buildings of Second Presbyterian and St. Paul’s be waived, but not the assessments on their parking lots since the DCA does not have the authority to waive such assessments according to T.C.A. 67-5-212 and that the YMCA and the United Way should pay 10% of their assessments.”

In discussion the following points were made:

(1) these waivers follow the pattern for 2019.
(2) these waivers should by no means be seen as setting a precedent. The committee took the impact of the pandemic into consideration in making its motion, and in future the committee will examine such requests on a case-by-case basis.
(3) it was pointed out that owners of for-profit businesses have also been hit by the pandemic and they have not been granted waivers. (4) the vote on the motion in the Finance Committee was not unanimous.3. DCA Finance Committee Update

(a) For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reviewed the financial position of the DCA as of February 28, 2021: total bank accounts approximately $656,000 including $230,000 in reserve accounts, total assets approximately $716,000, total equity approximately $663,000.

A check from the City of Chattanooga for recently submitted assessments is expected soon.

All in all, finances continue to be in “good shape.”

(b) The desirability of an expenditure plan for 2021 was discussed. Possible items to include in such a plan are a landscape master plan, activation occasions, and expenditures on public relations.

3. DCA Finance Committee Update

(a) G. Stalans reviewed the financial position of the DCA as of 1/31/2021 and reported that finances were in “good shape.” At the end of January approximately $511,000 was in the bank. Since then approximately $110,000 has been received from the City of Chattanooga. The January bill from Block By Block has not yet been received.

(b) The paperwork for establishing the reserve fund is in its final stages.

(c) A RFP for an audit of DCA accounts by accounting firms inside the district is in preparation.

4. Executive Director Report

S. Brookes reviewed the following matters:

(a) A clean-up of a homeless encampment has been scheduled for February 17.

(b) Work on the Cash for Trash pilot program continues.

(c) A RFP for help from public relations firms in the district is underway.

(d) Sidewalk Butlers (recycling containers) will be installed by March. (e) The work of the Ambassadors continues to go well.
(f) Conversations as to an EPB sponsorship continue.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30.