Executive Meeting - July
Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Time: 2:00-3:30
Location: Edney Innovation Center, 1100 Market Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402
1. Call to Order
Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.
Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA, and Kelly Allen of Q Strategies.
The Executive Committee minutes of June 9, 2021 were approved. 1. Old Business
(a) As of 30 June, there was approximately $38,000 in uncollected assessments from 2019 and $100,000 from 2020. A discussion of this issue focused on two matters:
(i) The DCA should adopt a step-by-step approach to collect the uncollected assessments: an informal discussion with appropriate property owners, followed by more formal steps— a letter, the involvement of a collections attorney, and the role of Miller and Martin in the imposition of liens.
(ii) It was pointed out that the current payment procedure can be confusing and that a conversation with the City of Chattanooga needs to take place to address this problem.
2. New Business
(a) S. Hunt reported on his conversation with Jeff DeLoach and Scott Embry of the Times Free Press on the formation of a Merchants Association for interested parties in the BID. The consensus was that the DCA might play a convening role in the process.
(b) The frequency of DCA meetings was addressed. It was suggested that the Board might meet on a bi-monthly basis and the Executive Committee on a monthly basis.
(c) There was discussion on next steps in regard to the transition of leadership. As part of this matter the structure of the nominating committee and other committees needs to be addressed.
(d) There was a preliminary review of the Operations Plan with some suggestions for reframing offered. More consideration of the plan will be carried out in the future.
Finance Committee Update
G. Stalans submitted the statement of the DCA financial position as of June 30, 2021: total assets $863,441; total liabilities $53,907; total revenue $792,355; total expenditures $463,689; net revenue $328,665.
Executive Director Update
S. Brookes reported on the new website designed by Q Strategies. He also reviewed his June report on DCA activities.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30.