Executive Meeting - September

Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Time: 2:00-3:33
Location: Loveman’s Building, Suite 222
800 Market Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order.

Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald,

Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.

The minutes of the August 11, 2021 Executive Committee were


2. Old Business

(a) There was discussion of the process of naming a new Vice-Chair to

replace K. Fitzgerald, who will become Chair in 2022.

(b) There was discussion of hiring a 10-hour per week assistant to

support S. Brookes in the operation of the DCA office.

2. New Business

(a) There was discussion of the upcoming meeting with the City

Council on October 5, 2021, which is part of the process of review and

approval of our budget.

(b) Unpaid assessments are $30,000 for 2019 and $47,500 for 2020.

There was discussion of next steps in addressing this matter.

Finance Committee Update

(a) For the committee, G. Stalans said that a forecast indicated that the

DCA would end the year with approximately $80,000 in the bank (not

counting reserve funds).

(b) The Walls Group has finished its field work and continues to move

forward with its audit of the DCA.

(c) The Finance Committee will put a motion before the board at its

September meeting that penalty fees under $125 for delinquent

property owners be waived.

(d) In reviewing the 2022 budget, Stalans stated that among changes

anticipated for next year are a $15 per hour base rate for wages for

employees and a pause in the Cash for Trash program.

Stalans further pointed out that expenses for 2022 would exceed

revenue by approximately $100,000. He added that the Finance

Committee found this an acceptable outcome.

Executive Director Update

Before the meeting S. Brookes circulated his August report.

The meeting adjourned at 3:33.