Executive Meeting - November
Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Time: 2:00-3:23
Location: By Zoom
1. Call to Order
Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.
Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
The Executive Committee minutes of October 13, 2021 were approved unanimously.
1. Old Business
(a) There was further discussion on strategies to address the issue of unsupervised youths in the 1st Street area. Suggestions included better lighting in the area, use of cameras, and more engagement by DCA ambassadors. It was also suggested that a plan for addressing problems be formulated for next spring with input from Councilwoman Raquetta Dotley.
(b) S. Brookes reported that the search for a part-time assistant continues.
(c) K. Fitzgerald reported on the status of nominations for the Executive Committee and the Board for next year. Adam Kinsley has agreed to stand for the Vice Chair position. Charles Perry and Matt McGauley have agreed to stand for three-year terms on the Board. Perry will continue to serve as Secretary, and Stalans as Treasurer. Keeli Crewe has agreed to stand for a three-year term on the Board, replacing Pierre Dabit who is rolling off the Board.
(d) It was reported that Senator Todd Gardenhire has named Councilman Darrin Ledford to replace him as an ex officio member on the Board. (Ex officio members may vote if present, but are not included in the count of what constitutes a quorum.)
(e) In a discussion of budgetary matters, it was pointed out that the statutory requirement that the City Council must approve the DCA budget cannot be changed.
(f) The DCA annual meeting will take place on December 15, 2021.
2. New Business
(a) A renewal of the contract with Q Strategies was discussed. It was suggested that a statement on the revised scope of Q Strategies’ services was needed before a contract on a year-by-year basis be approved.
3. Finance Committee Update
(a) G. Stalans reported that current finances are in line with earlier projections.
The following figures were reported: operating account, $360,000; reserve fund, $230,000; total liabilities, $103,000; total revenue, $900,000; total expenditures, $821,000; net operating revenue, $82,000.
(b) The audit is complete and has been submitted to the City Council.
(c) The application for reduced or waived assessments from non-profits remains under review.
(d) It was suggested that a memo of understanding between the DCA and the Y on recent arrangements should be drafted.
4. Executive Director Update
(a) The RFP for landscaping design has not yet received any responses.
(b) Brookes reported that October and early November with the Chattanooga Motorcar Festival and the Head of the Hooch
have been busy months for the DCA.
(c) Brookes reported on problems including trespassing and vandalism arising at 212 Market Street and 736 Broad Street.
The meeting adjourned at 3:23.