Executive Meeting - December

Executive Committee Meeting

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Time: 2:00-3:30

Location: 800 Market St, Suite 222

Chattanooga, TN 37402

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chairman of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.

Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA. 

1. Old Business

(a) K. Fitzgerald will present a slate of candidates for the DCA Board and the Executive Committee at the AGM on December 15, 2021.

(b) The MOU between the DCA and the YMCA has not yet been completed.

(c) There was discussion of the statutory requirement that the City Council must approve the DCA budget.

(d) The search for a part-time administrative assistant for S. Brookes continues.

2. New Business

(a) There was discussion of the recent Basic City Services Agreement, which the City of Chattanooga has sent to the DCA. The point was made that further consideration of precisely what services are to be provided is needed. 

It was also pointed out that the statutory requirement is that “The special assessment shall be used to supplement and not to pay for the same services provided by the City or County government within the Downtown CBID. In no event will the level of government services provided to the Downtown CBID be decreased as a result of the enhanced level of services provided through the special assessment revenues.” 

(b) In a discussion of the services to be provided by Q Strategies, the point was made that more emphasis on spotlighting and story-telling is in order.

The following proposal passed unanimously: “The Communication Proposal from Q Strategies should be accepted and sent to the DCA Board for final approval.”

3. Finance Committee Update

(a) For the Finance Committee G. Stalans submitted a statement of activity January-November, 2021. The figures were as follows: total revenue, $905,231; total expenditures $915,560; total assets $586,510.

Stalans reported a deficit in the range of $80,000 is projected for the year. (A deficit was anticipated.)

(b) The collection of delinquent assessments by two law firms continues.

(c) A review of the application for waivers or reductions continues with no changes anticipated.

(d) It was agreed that the Finance Committee should be enlarged by two members. S. Hunt and Councilman D. Ledford have been suggested for these positions.

4. Executive Director Update

(a) Before the meeting S. Brookes circulated his November DCA report.

The meeting adjourned at 3:30.