Executive Meeting - November

Executive Committee Meeting

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:15

Location: Carnegie Library Building

200 E. 8 th Street

Chattanooga, TN 37402

1. Call to Order

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.

2. Topics Addressed

a) The annual meeting will take place on December 14 th . Speakers will include Emily Mack, Chief Scruggs and Dan Reuter. S. Brookes will highlight 2-3 goals for the DCA which came out of the strategic plan. Non-Board individuals will be invited to this luncheon meeting as well.

b) An orientation meeting for new Board members was discussed. Topics to cover in that meeting include an explanation of district boundaries, properties (including two churches) which are exempt from assessments, the baseline services agreement with the City of Chattanooga, the need to form more committees, and in general expectations for Board members.

c) There was discussion of the recent meeting between property owners and Seth Davis of the City. For those at the meeting homelessness in downtown Chattanooga continues to be a concern and a problem.

d) There has been progress in the completion of the strategic plan with a goal to solidify an updated vision statement.

e) Emails addressing past due assessments have been sent to the YMCA and the United Way.

f) A proposal to add K. Fitzgerald and A. Kinsey to the Finance Committee was approved.

g) S. Brookes spoke on recent DCA activities. Please see his printed October report for more information.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15.

Baylee Nelson