Executive Committee Meeting - February

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Executive Directors Meeting

February 14, 2024 - 2:00pm

Location: 715 Market St, 2nd Floor Conference Room


1.     Call to Order

Todd Philips, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Gordon Stalans and Susan Harris. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.


The minutes from January 10th, 2024 were approved.


2.     Jim Kennedy Presentation

Jim Kennedy will make a presentation to the Board at the February 21st meeting. The presentation will be on his findings from the online survey and his one on one interviews on if the Downtown Chattanooga Alliance should continue.


The presentation should take up to half an hour.


3.     Request for Proposals

The executive committee reviewed the Requests for Proposals for both the Ambassador program and the Public Relations / Marketing services.


4.     Finance Committee Update

Gordon discussed the financial status of the DCA. The finance committee approved the collections, the bad debt write off and the exemptions for United Way & YMCA.


The DCA will most likely need to dip in to the reserves in March or April until the new dues assessments begin to come in.


Meeting Adjourned


Kelly Allen