Executive Committee Meeting - March 2024
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Executive Directors Meeting
March 21st, 2024 - 2:00pm
Location: 715 Market St, 2nd Floor Conference Room
1. Call to Order
Susan Harris, Vice Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Gordon Stalans and Todd Philips, whom arrived later. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
The minutes from Executive Committee Minutes from February 14th, 2024 were approved.
2. Formal Evaluation
Steve went over the status of the evaluation that Jim Kennedy performed on the DCA. There are a few minor corrections and revisions being made so the final report will be finalized shortly.
A state of the report will go to City Council, along with the annual budget.
3. Events and Activation
Steve would like to look at a program to provide services to events within the DCA footprint. As more events are happening there has been a request of the DCA to help with cleaning, trash, road closures and hospitality.
Susan recommended that event producers outside of the BID get charged full rate but users within the BID get a discount. Steve will look more in to rates and get back to the committee on potential next steps.
4. Policies and Procedures
Steve made a quick update to the committee that he is working on updating the policies and procedures so that they are accurate and streamlined.
5. City Updates
The DCA won a Community Partner of the Year award from the Chattanooga Police Department, Randi Haynes represented the DCA at the ceremony.
The low barrier shelter is currently tabled. The City is working on an economic impact study.
6. Finance Committee Update
Gordon went over the 2025 draft budget. Several expense line items were reduced so that they are in line with historic numbers.
Meeting Adjourned