Executive Meeting - January
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Executive Directors Meeting
January 10, 2023 - 2:00pm
Location: 715 Market St, 2nd Floor Conference Room
1. Call to Order
Todd Philips, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey and Susan Harris. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
The minutes from November 8th, 2023 were tabled to the first Board Meeting.
2. Request For Proposals
The DCA will be issuing two RFPs. The current contract with Block by Block for the Ambassador program expires July 31st, 2024. The DCA is not required to do an RFP but the executive committee feels that it will be best practice. The RFP will be sent out to a handful of national providers and posted on the IDA website. Todd Philips will sit on the selection committee.
The contract with Q Strategies for Public Relations expires on June 30th, 2024 and an RFP will be sent out and posted. Adam Kinsey will sit on the selection committee.
3. Mental Health and Courts
The DCA will meet with the City about mental health and courts. Susan commented that we can educate the State on what we can see on the streets and what we deal with on a daily basis.
4. Low Barrier Shelter/Tiny Homes Update
Todd Philips and Steve had a call with the Tiny Home program. The program is now looking at different areas outside of the immediate downtown to pursue the project.
5. DCA Stakeholder Survey
Jim Kennedy has sent out the DCA evaluation survey to stakeholders and will be at the February Board Meeting to give an update and answer any questions.
6. Executive Director Update
Steve gave a quick overview of the District, and spoke highly of the New Years Eve event that the City put on. There were minimal issues and the clean up and break down went very smooth.
7. Finance Committee Update
No update due to Gordon not being present.
Meeting Adjourned