Executive Meeting - December

Executive Committee Meeting 
Chattanooga BID/Downtown Chattanooga Alliance 
Friday, December 11, 2020 

Time: 2:00-3:48. 
Location: By Zoom

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chairman of the Chattanooga BID, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans. 

Also present were Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA and  Julia Bursch of River City Company. 

1. Old Business

K. Fitzgerald reported that a slate of individuals for election to the Board and the Executive Committee will be circulated before a vote at next week’s meeting.

2. New Business

(a) S. Hunt reported on his meeting with the City Council Committee  and his and S. Brookes’ conversation with Tom White of the United  Way on the work of the DCA. In regard to the latter, one result of the  conversation and episode at Panera was that it underlined how the  DCA is addressing the challenges which the homeless face. There was  also a discussion of the conversation with Andy Jones and what the  history of the DCA is and how it has addressed the concerns of four  non-profits. 

3. (a) For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reported that through  November revenue was $932,000, expenses $266,000 and net revenue $666,000. Stalans also reported that $50,000-60,000 of 2019  assessments remain unpaid.

(b) In regard to the $230,000 reserve fund, Stalans continues to explore options as to where the fund will be placed-- perhaps split between two banks, Pinnacle and First Horizon. (c) Stalans also stated that he will address how the DCA process for informing non-profits of its expectations might be improved.

4. Executive Director Report

S. Brookes reviewed the following matters (which are covered in greater depth in the update earlier circulated): small business resiliency grants-an issue to be referred to the strategic planning committee-, questions of which agencies are responsible for what aspects of Patten Square, the condition of the CARTA North garage,  the roll-out of the e-gift card initiative/7 Days of Giving program (1000 $25 cards will be given away) and related marketing issues, a  DCA/Good Samaritans/City of Chattanooga Street Outreach project,  Mastercard-Cash for Trash, communications assistance, and recent work of Ambassadors.

The meeting adjourned at 3:48.