Executive Meeting - November

Executive Committee Meeting 
Chattanooga BID/Downtown Chattanooga Alliance 
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Time: 2:00-3:30 
Location: By Zoom

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chairman of the Chattanooga DCA/BID, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans. Also present were Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA, and  Julia Bursch of River City Company.

2. Old Business

K. Fitzgerald reported on her work, with the help of Lisa Maragnano, to prepare a slate of individuals to serve on the Executive and the Board.

3. New Business

There was no new business. 3. For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reported that as of 31 October total revenue from January to October was approximately $908,000 (this figure includes the $100,000 grant from the Lyndhurst  Foundation), total expenses approximately $238,000 --leaving net revenue of approximately $670,000.  

Stalans is exploring options as to in which bank the reserve fund will be placed. 

At two points in the meeting, the discussions with the four non-profits were addressed. The following points were made: 

a) S. Hunt is preparing a presentation which, if necessary, will be given to Council Chair Henderson. 

b) Any abatement to an assessment is by law at the “sole discretion” of the DCA Board.

c) The YMCA earlier had presented in writing an offer to accept a 10%  assessment. 

d) For the YMCA a 10% assessment is approximately $1429 and for the United Way $306.  

e) In 2018 the YMCA had approximately $18 million in revenue. 

f) In regard to St. Paul’s and Second Presbyterian, the DCA has no legal authority to waive assessments on their parking lots. This is an issue which only other authorities can address. 

The consensus of the committee was that any interest and penalties  for the four non-profits would be waived until 12/31/2020

4. Executive Director Report

S. Brookes covered the following points: 

a) Discussions with EPB as to the best use of its $25,000 grant  (wayfinding signs, parking signs, or funding for uniforms) are on going.

b) A possible role for the DCA in installing holiday lights in Miller Park was discussed, but no resolution was reached. 

c) The DCA’s role in the maintenance of Patten Square is unresolved and needs further clarification. 

d) The transition of the website is complete. 

e) Proposals on e-gift cards and storefront animation (ideas which came out of the Strategic Initiative and Planning Committee) will be presented to the Board next week.  

The meeting adjourned at 3:30.