Executive Meeting - February

Executive Committee Meeting

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Time: 2:00-3:35

Location: Carnegie Library Building

200 E. 8th Street Chattanooga, TN 37402


1. Call to Order


Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.


Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.


The Executive Committee minutes of 1/12/2022 were approved.


1. Old Business


(a) There was discussion of the DCA’s January meeting with Mayor Kelly. The point was made that the City is legally obligated to continue providing baseline services in the district and not rely on the DCA to provide those services.


S. Brookes was tasked with drawing up a draft letter to the City outlining the DCA’s position as to which services the DCA should provide in the district and which services are the responsibility of the City. After the draft is reviewed by the Executive Committee, the letter will be sent to the City. 


2. New Business


(a) There was discussion as to how to address the problem of unsupervised youths in the district on Friday and Saturday nights. The issue will be a focus of the discussion with Councilwoman Dotely at a March 17, 2022 meeting. It has been suggested that opening the YMCA as a rec center from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays would ameliorate the problem.


(b) The DCA continues to work with the River City Company to support the interests of downtown restaurants and other businesses.


(c) S. Brookes introduced the subject of Project Return, which seeks to work with released prisoners in their re-entry to society. It was decided that the DCA, which will need more help in the spring, should sub-contract through Block by Block to use individuals in the Project Return program. This implementation will be instituted on a three-month trial basis. The program will not be open to sexual predators or individuals convicted of violent crimes.


(d) There was discussion of how the DCA should in the future inform the City of Chattanooga about needed capital repairs in the district.


(e) There was discussion of how the Chattanooga Tourism Company might financially support the work of the DCA. 


3. Finance Committee Update


(a) G. Stalans reported that the budget is on track. The following figures were reported as of January, 2022: expenses $78,000; revenue $110,000.


(b) Approximately $20,000 in 2019 assessments remain uncollected.


It was decided that attorney Brian O’Shaughnessy be instructed to file a lien on the Chattanooga Bank building whose owner has not paid his 2019 and 2020 assessments.


(c) Three non-profits-two churches and the YMCA- have filed for a reduction/waiver of their assessments. The United Way has not.


4. Executive Director Update


(a) Before the meeting S. Brookes circulated a report on recent DCA activities.


(b) A committee is to be formed to address issues concerning the Landscape RFI.


(c) Discussion with the YMCA on a MOU continues.


The meeting adjourned at 3:35.