Executive Meeting - June
Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Time: 2:00-3:03
Location: TN Aquarium IMAX 3D Theatre
2nd Floor Conference Room, 201 Chestnut St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
1. Call to Order
Adam Kinsey, Vice-Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive
Committee members attending were Chair Kelly Fitzgerald (by phone), Charles
Perry and Gordon Stalans.
Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
1. Old Business
(a) It was decided that in regard to the 2020 past due $11,400 assessment of the
Mountain City Club, the DCA should follow standard procedures by placing a lien on
the property.
(b) It was reported that after the downtown shooting incident, Chattanooga Police
presence has been strengthened. A meeting with CPD Chief Murphy is scheduled for
1:00 on July 7.
It was pointed out that the DCA is not responsible for dealing with criminal activity
in the district. Ambassadors do not and should not have a role in addressing such
problems. The public and the media sometimes do not understand this point.
(c) There was discussion of homeless problems in the CARTA garage. S. Brookes is
to discuss the situation with Lisa Maragnano.
(d) Work on the Strategic Plan continues with the goal of creating of a list of
property owners for one-on-one interviews with Jim Kennedy and the drafting of an
on-line survey of other property owners.
2. New Business
(a) In regard to the submission of the DCA budget to the Chattanooga City Council, it
will be presented in September in order that assessment notices can be sent in
(b) G. Stalans suggested that it would be helpful that in 2023 the DCA fiscal year be
linked to the City of Chattanooga’s fiscal year.
(c) The 10:00-12:00 p.m. schedule of some Ambassadors was discussed. It was the
consensus of the Executive Committee was S. Brookes can change the schedule if he
sees fit.
Finance Committee Update
(a) The unpaid assessment of the United Way was the topic of some discussion. K.
Fitzgerald will speak with Tom White of the United Way, but the consensus of the
Executive Committee was that the DCA should follow normal procedure regarding
this problem.
Executive Director Report
(a) S. Brookes circulated his May report.
(b) S. Brookes commented on public safety issues in the district,
The meeting adjourned at 3:03.