Executive Meeting - July

Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Time: 2:00-3:00
Location: 800 Market Street, Suite 222, Chattanooga, TN 37402

1. Call to Order

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA ,called the meeting to order by telephone.

Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey, Charles Perry and Gordon Stalans.

Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.

1. Old Business

(a) A report on the DCA’s recent meeting with CPD Chief Murphy indicated that the

meeting had gone well. DCA representatives stressed the value of the downtown

district and what it means to the larger City of Chattanooga. Two specific issues

were raised: the need to upgrade the police bike patrol and the need to reinstate

overtime hours on top of existing patrols. Chief Murphy has put the DCA annual

meeting on her calendar.

(b) As formulation of a strategic plan for the DCA goes forward, Jim Kennedy has

conducted 19 interviews and is compiling results. Work continues on surveys of

property and business owners and others. A goal is to have a progress report by the

end of September.

(c) A pilot landscape plan for the area of Market Street between 6 th and 8 th Streets is

in the planning stage with a goal to finalize a contract.

(d) Work continues on a DCA handbook.

2. New Business

(a) It has been proposed that DCA Ambassadors receive an 8% salary increase in

the 2023 budget.

(b) The DCA budget will be voted on at the August 17 meeting. The budget will be

presented to the Chattanooga City Council on September 13, 2022. Preparatory

work is underway with one goal to anticipate possible issues.

3. Finance Committee Update

For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reported that

(a) the budget continues to be in good shape with total revenues of $863,000 as of June 30, 2022.

(b) a search for an audit firm capable of conducting a governmental audit is underway.

4. Executive Director Report

S. Brookes reported that

(a) the DCA addressed problems such as trees down and lights out as a result of a

recent storm.

(b) issues resulting from increased homelessness and aggressive behavior continue to be a concern.

(c) the Project Return contract has begun with positive preliminary results.

(d) he hopes to meet with D. Scott and Councilwoman R. Dotley on the possibility of

a Youth Night Out program.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00.

Baylee Nelson