Executive Meeting - September
Executive Committee Meeting
Downtown Chattanooga Alliance
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Time: 2:00-3:05
Location: Carnegie Library Building 200 E. 8 th Street Chattanooga, TN 37402
1. Call to Order
Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey and Charles Perry. Not attending was Gordon Stalans. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.
1. Old Business
(a) A. Kinsey reported that the following individuals have been suggested for the DCA Board: Todd Phillips (large property owner), Susan Harris (small property owner), John Clark (small property owner), and Shannon Johnson (commercial tenant). At the October Executive Committee meeting, a motion to forward the names of these individuals for election by the DCA board will be made.
It was further suggested that Shannon Johnson should be nominated to serve as Vice-Chair of the DCA Board and Adam Kinsey as Secretary.
2. New Business
(a) There was extended discussion of the changing nature of Chattanooga: increased numbers of unhoused people, increased numbers of employees choosing to work from home, and the coming development of the South Broad district.
It was stressed that the DCA is committed to continue making downtown welcoming and vital. It was stated that a continuing emphasis on safety and more animation events would contribute to that outcome.
3. Finance Committee Update
(a) Before the meeting G. Stalans submitted a financial statement which included the following information: as of August 31, 2022, total bank accounts $692,531; total current liabilities, $124,032. A projection of the 2022 budget indicated that the fiscal year would end with a deficit of approximately $100,000.
4. Executive Director Report
S. Brookes reported that (a) the results of the Strategic Planning interviews conducted by Jim Kennedy were very positive. Safety remains a point of interest.
(b) landscaping projects continue to be a focus as a means to increase DCA visibility.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05