Executive Meeting - September

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Executive Committee Meeting

September 13, 2023 - 2:00pm

Location: Cumberland Title & Guaranty Building

200 E 8th St, Chattanooga, TN


1.     Call to Order


Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee members attending were Adam Kinsey and Todd Philips. Also present was Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA.


The Executive Committee approved the minutes from the May 10th and June 14th executive committee meetings. The minutes from August 9th were tabled.


2.     Formal Evaluation


Steve spoke with several firms regarding the formal evaluation of the Downtown Chattanooga Alliance. The evaluation is part of the requirement of the BID at the five-year anniversary. Jim Kennedy is familiar with Chattanooga, the DCA and has also recently spearheaded the DCA strategic plan. The study will need to be completed by April of 2024.


There is $10,000 in the budget for equipment rental that won’t be used and can be applied to the cost of the evaluation. The vote will go to the Board.


3.     Baseline Service Agreement


While the City is meeting the majority of the services outlined in the Baseline Services Agreement, the primary issues revolve around the Public Safety and Homeless problems. Steve is working with the City on regular meetings to continue these discussions.


4.     Board of Directors Update


There is one immediate opening on the Board and with Donald O’Connor rolling off at the end of this year, another opening starting in January. The nominating committee voted on downtown resident Sean O’Brien to join the board starting in January 2024. The vote will go to the Board.


5.     Finance Committee Update


No update due to Gordon not being present.


Meeting Adjourned

Baylee Nelson